We left home Monday early and picked up an excited Mak and Zak in Roseville. It then took another 5 hours to get into the Park and to our site. The most exciting part of the drive down was going up the Priest Grade just before Groveland. That road is just NOT FUN towing a 5th wheel!!!

Although we had taken a lot of firewood down with us, with the cold/wet weather that had been forecast I figured we better get out right away and collect more (before the rain hit). So as soon as I set the trailer and put up a tarp over the fire pit the kids and I took off to do some picture taking and firewood collecting....and it's good we did because it really started raining later that night! (but we did actually bring home some wood after the trip...which can be used for our next trip!)
On Tuesday it pretty much rained all day...as was expected. We drove the kids over to the Visitor Center and had a really great time looking around...and the kids loved it! But we didn't let the weather bother us as we were well prepared. After lunch in the 5er I then took them for a walk around the campground, down by the river, and around the meadow...umbrellas in hand! We had a lot of fun being adventurous.

On Wed. we woke to find that it had snowed over night...and in fact was still snowing. This too was in the forecast, but it was still a nice surprise...it was BEAUTIFUL. After breakfast we went for a wonderful walk up to Happy Isles and then after lunch we spent some time inside playing a vigorous game of National Park Monopoly. And of course I took MANY MANY pics that day.

Thursday was clear, and therefore VERY cold. All the water in our water jugs outside was frozen, and the indoor/outdoor thermometer said it was 29 degrees outside (but a cozy 57 in side...thanks to the new thermostat!). After a nice big breakfast we drove over to the Lodge, and walked up to the base of lower Yosemite Falls which was wonderful...and the kids really enjoyed climbing the rocks along the way.
After that walk we stopped at the store for some ice cream (yes, we did get some funny looks...but that's what the kids wanted!) and souvenirs and drove around some more to take more pics.

That afternoon JB needed some quiet time, so I took M/Z for a walk up to the base of Bridal Veil Falls, and then we stopped at a couple of spots for them to expend some energy by climbing more rocks.
The rain forecasted for that afternoon never arrived, so I was able to pretty much dismantle all our tarps that evening which then helped us break camp early on Friday so we could head home and get ready for a busy Easter weekend.
All in all we had a GREAT time...but somehow on the way down I must have lost a piece of wood from the back of the truck that hit our drain valve on the fresh water tank. It was full when we left home, and empty when we got there...now I have something else to fix! (Good thing I had some duct tape with me...and lots of empty water jugs!)
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