(HINT: Click on photos to get larger pic)
There were only a few people in the park (a Mon and Tues), mostly ‘annuals’. The ducks were really enjoying the ‘water features’, and the fall leaves were very colorful throughout the park. We had a nice long happy hour and a great grilled chicken in Tom and Darlene’s RV. Then we went back to our 5er and watched some HD TV before going to bed…Now THIS is camping!
Our plan for the day on Tues was to be up and ready to go at 10am We took our truck and drove up to Apple Hill http://www.applehill.com/index.htm. This was our first time to that area, but the Gleisners had been a couple of times. We were VERY surprised as to the scope of the Apple Hill area, and can only imagine how busy it must be on weekends.
The gals bought several candles/gifts/ornaments at different places and I go 4 nice Iris plants for the front yard…they will be a lasting souvenir of our trip…if they live ;-)
When we hit the road the plan was to stop at a winery near Grass Valley, get some wine, and have lunch in the Gleisner’s RV. We thought we had found the place just off Cramer Rd. in Auburn, but the access road(Fawnridge) was quite narrow (and gravel) for our rigs so we decided to walk up. 
We loaded into the Gleisner’s RV and took off for the 2.3 mile trek. When we go there the gates were closed and the sign indicated they were CLOSED…LOL…but it looked like a nice place for a visit another time.
We then turned around and went back to our rig and parted ways. We then drove the 5er home, unloaded it, and took it back to the lot for storage until next time…sigh.
For a complete slideshow, please visit;
Favorite sign of the trip at Boeger Winery;
Favorite artistic photo;