Thursday, October 29, 2009

7. More on setting up camp in Yosemite

OK, so I have said how well I backed into the storage yard and the driveway at home…well, I guess 2 out of 3 isn’t bad ;-) I bet I got in and out of the truck at least 20 times lining things up, backing up, pulling forward, getting directions from Janna, doing the opposite…what a mess! And then once aligned I had get level by pulling forward, putting down a 2x8, and then trying to back-up straight…I aged a year during that process. BUT…bottom line is that I (we?) did it, finally.

After getting the 5er set up (and taking a few pics) I set up the ‘shade’ cover over the fire pit so I could start a fire to get some coals ready. At that point I realized that it had really stopped raining and the drops landing on my head was just residual moisture dripping from the trees…phew.
Jack and Coke, steak and mushrooms, baked potatoes, corn on the cob and wine…and all in Yosemite…in our new 5er…with my Honey. Sweet.

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